Tapping Through Fear & Feeling Excitement
"The only real difference between anxiety and excitement was my willingness to let go of fear."
-Barbara Brown Taylor
Excitement and fear can have the same physical sensation - butterflies, a pit in your stomach, or perhaps tingles up the spine.
Public speaking used to make me really nervous...racing heart, sweaty palms - the works! Luckily over time I've gotten more comfortable and I've also learned how to lean into the excitement of it all!
Brene Brown once told a story about her son, and how he was so nervous about going to a sleep over party, and he felt butterflies in his tummy. When he got in the car with her, and she was driving him to his friend's house, she told him to keep repeating "I'm excited." Ten minutes later when she pulled up in front of his friend's house, her son looked at her and said, "Mom, I really am excited!"
I've always found that story powerful. We have the power to lean into the sensation, and we get to define what that sensation means. Our body is speaking to us. Are you ready to choose to lean into the excitement?
Let's start tapping through fear together!