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Tap Into Your Inner Healer

Tonight, July 12th at 7pm EST I will be leading a FREE community tapping session focused on teaching you how you to Tap Into Your Inner Healer. There's still time to register!

Last week, while on vacation in the Isle of Palms, SC, I had the opportunity to take some quiet time for myself and tap into my own inner healer.

I took time to meditate every day, and one of those meditations was really profound. I want to share part of it with you.

It was as if I was watching myself, and this entire scene unfolded... I was standing outside in a very open area, and I was overcome with feelings of sadness, heaviness, and grief. Suddenly I could feel energy moving around me - it felt/ looked like a small tornado. This tornado was gathering up all of this emotion, and I realized that I had the power to either choose to sit in this heaviness, or use it and transform the energy into fuel that would propel me forward in a positive way.

Perhaps it sounds silly. But in that moment it felt so real, and I was reminded of just how much power each of us holds within. We do not have to let our past dictate our future. We can use the hard, uncomfortable, scary, overwhelming, heavy experiences of our past to propel us forward into a bright loving future, OR we can allow the emotion to keep us feeling stuck.

The meditation went on to show me how strong I truly am. And how important it is that I FEEL that strength, and embody it fully. We all have the ability to do this. It simply comes down to acknowledging the emotions, allowing them, and moving through them.

I hope to see you tonight.


Below are some pics of our beach week! The smirk on my son's face, while I'm meditating makes me laugh. They love to tease me, but I also know that seeing me take care of myself in this way, is teaching them to do the same!

Meditating at the beach with my son
family photos

Missed the session? No problem. Catch a replay of my masterclass!



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 Lauren Fonvielle, Transforming Anxiety, Stress and Chronic Pain Nationwide from Townsend, Delaware |  Contact Lauren

©2024 by Mindshift With Lauren

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