Replenish Yourself from the Inside Out
It has been a rough few weeks. Our family is grieving the loss of of my father-in-law, our beloved "BIG Daddy."
There have been many tears, mixed in with laughs and fond memories. This loss has hit all of us hard. I've spent so much time worrying about everyone around me, it seems I haven't really taken any time for me. This became abundantly clear during my personal tapping session with another practitioner.
As she asked questions, I kept answering with concerns about my husband, kids, and in-laws. She kept having to remind me, "this hour is for you, let's focus on you, and what you need."
The word that kept coming up was REPLENISH.
We all need to replenish ourselves - and that will look different for each of us. Accessing that inner calm, that space of knowing, and simply being - it can take practice. But I promise you it's worth it.
As an empath, and someone who loves helping others, sometimes I need to remind myself I need to replenish. Because it is from this space, that I can show up as my best self, and be of true service to others.
So, today I encourage you to ask yourself what you really need. Tune in, and truly listen.
Take a few minutes to practice this short meditation, and replenish yourself - mind, body, and spirit.