Heal Old Patterns from the Inside Out

Our health is important - not just our physical health, but our mental, emotional and spiritual health too! And it's not just about your body - it's about your relationships, your career, and the way you live your life. What if you could truly heal yourself from the inside out? What if you could go beyond the physical or emotional symptoms you are experiencing and instead address the root causes? How would this enable you to show up differently - for yourself? For your loved ones? For your business? That is exactly what my 8 week program, Healing from the Inside Out helps you do. By combining EFT, meditation, reiki, sound healing and coaching, I create a customized experience for each and every one of my clients. We tap into the subconscious mind through these powerful modalities so you can claim responsibility and dedicate yourself to creating the healthy life and business you desire. I have 2 spots open for April. Is one of them for you? As an added bonus, if you register for a consultation call by April 7th, and decide to register for the program, I'll add in an additional session to be used as a follow up at any time during the year. So often in both life and business we push ourselves to work harder, do more, go-go-go. But when we can shift that energy, and tune into our personal power, and release emotions that aren't serving us, we get into a state of flow and ease. If you feel called to tap in (pun intended 😉) and learn more, set up a no obligation, free consultation, and let's see if this is the right next step for you! Here's what recent clients have to say about our work together... Janis, Co-Owner Delmarva Board Sports "Tapping has helped me to release my mind, body and spirit from the grasp of long term grief, associated fears of judgement and the physical hip / back pain that resulted from the unprocessed emotional trauma that was trapped in my body after years of being stuffed down by busyness and ruminating on past events. Tapping has allowed me to peel back the layers of all that felt jumbled up in my mind. It's opened up my energy flow so that I am able to remember and analyze my dreams, which I feel are divinely inspired messages of guidance. After clearing the emotional and physical clutter in and around me, I'm now more open to receiving the divine intuition and messages that confirm my divine purpose. I'm reminded that I've been given spiritual gifts and that I need to use them to help others." Katie Wrigley, Coach & Cognomovement Practitioner "I highly recommend working with Lauren, she is amazing at what she does. In my experience, you want a practitioner who has and still does the work themselves. Lauren is that practitioner. I went to Lauren after she was a guest on my podcast so I could have a real EFT experience with a knowledgeable practitioner, and signed on for her 8 week program. I was shocked by the impact it had on my life! We started out working on my feelings about my adrenal fatigue and it kept going from there. She helped me find and release blocks I had with fear and limiting beliefs around my business, helped me cope with grief, helped me find a huge part of what was making my left shoulder roll forward (it is not as rolled forward now and is almost 100%) It is amazing what can be stored in just one shoulder. I felt a measurable and lasting difference from every session, and I have even started to integrate some tapping into the modality I use with my own clients." It is truly an honor to guide my clients on their healing journeys. No one knows you better than you. That's why learning new ways of tuning in, listening, creating space and honoring your feelings is such an important part of the journey. If you're ready to dive in, I'm here to support you every step of the way.
Here is a simple practice to get you started on shifting your energy and healing from the inside out! Call In The Good! This is a practice a fellow EFT Practitioner, Robin Friedman, shared with me awhile back and I found it so helpful I wanted to share it with all of you. “I am open and receptive to all the good the universe has to offer to me today.” Try this for one week: Stand up, open your arms, and say it out loud ten times. Each time, place the emphasis on a different word by saying it louder and with more mental focus. Also, increase your will and intention each time you repeat it. The first time it is like just speaking out loud, and by the tenth time, you can feel waves of sheer determination. 10% - “I am open and receptive to all the good the universe has to offer to me today.” 20% - “I am open and receptive to all the good the universe has to offer to me today.” 30% - “I am open and receptive to all the good the universe has to offer to me today.” 40% - “I am open and receptive to all the good the universe has to offer to me today.” 50% - “I am open and receptive to all the good the universe has to offer to me today.” 60% - “I am open and receptive to all the good the universe has to offer to me today.” 70% - “I am open and receptive to all the good the universe has to offer to me today.” 80% - “I am open and receptive to all the good the universe has to offer to me today.” 90% - “I am open and receptive to all the good the universe has to offer to me today.” Practice this for a week and you may be surprised by the momentum you gain and how your energy shifts! I'd love to hear if something fantastic happens for you!