The Power of Meditation
Incorporating a daily meditation practice into my routine has quite literally transformed me – it has changed how I think, how I react in certain situations, and simply how I feel. I never would’ve dreamed that a mere ten minutes a day of quiet reflection could have such a profound impact on my life.
There’s a good chance that if you’re a friend of mine, I’ve talked with you about meditation. I’ve likely tried to convince you start meditating too. I do this because it’s been such a blessing to me, I want to share it with all those I love. The responses I often hear sound something like this: I tried, and I just can’t do it or I don’t have time or I’m not good that that sort of thing etc.
I’ve got news for you, absolutely EVERYONE can meditate, and EVERYONE can make the time, should they choose to. Consider how much time you spend scrolling through your social media feeds each day or plopped in front of the TV after the kids finally fall asleep. I can guarantee you can find 2 minutes for yourself.
People have so many misconceptions about meditation. They envision monks in a monastery sitting idly for hours. By no means does meditation have to be that intense. I do daily meditations with the kids. They are 1-2 minutes long, because that’s their typical attention span right now. But, you know what? Lately, after finishing one meditation they ask to do another. We use the Headspace app, and absolutely love it – it’s easy and there a variety of topics that they cover from anxiety, anger, and self-esteem, to patience, appreciation, happiness, and a whole lot in between.
Brody and Ava doing the Happiness meditation. This is one of their faves. They place a stuffed animal on their belly and watch it move up and down as they inhale and exhale.

I like to practice first thing when I get up in the morning. It sets the tone for my day, and it’s usually easier to squeeze in when the kiddos are still asleep. But there are definitely times where I sneak away during the day for some time at my meditation station. It has become a necessity – a time to decompress, let go, and focus on what is truly important.
My meditation station tucked away in my closet.

Last week when Brody looked up at me and said, “Mom, you are stressed.” It made me pause. Why was I running around the house like a crazy person barking orders? What’s really going on here? He was right, I was stressed. I thanked him for sharing his feelings, gave him a hug, and told him sometimes Moms need reminders too. He smiled, and I headed upstairs.
I walked into my closet, and sat on my meditation pillow. I took a few deep breaths. Inhale… exhale.. inhale…exhale. Within minutes I felt my body physically relax. It wasn’t long before the craziness of the afternoon started to melt away.Ten minutes later I opened my eyes feeling like a new woman. And the message the universe sent me that day? You need to fill your bucket. This of course is a message from one of Ava’s favorite books, How full is your bucket? by Tom Rath.
I’d been so busy doing everything for everyone else on this crazy week off from school, that I hadn’t taken any time for me. That’s why I was acting like a loon. The simple act of awareness makes all the difference. I made myself some tea, sat down with my journal, and let it all out. Then I said, screw the house work and just cuddled on the couch with the kids and watched a movie. The ending of my day was a hell of a lot better than it would’ve been had I not taken that time out to sit on my meditation pillow.
If you’ve never tried meditating before, I highly recommend giving it a shot. And when I say that, I don’t mean trying it just for one day. Make a commitment to yourself, set aside 5-10 minutes a day for a month. Note how you feel before and after. Once you get in the groove, you’ll never want to turn back. And if you’re local to DE, you should check out meditation/ yin yoga classes with Jenn. She incorporates crystal alchemy singing bowls into the practice. These bowls emit the most beautiful tones that resonate deep within the physical body, bringing the meditation experience to a whole new level. Fair warning: you may become obsessed with the bowls. I know I have!
It’s all about finding what works for you. And with free resources at your fingertips, I suggest you try out all sorts of different meditations until you find a style you connect with. You’ll be so glad you did.
Happy Meditating!