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Breathing Techniques for Anxiety
Being mindful of the breath is an important part of any EFT/Tapping practice. Tracing the breath as it moves up through the nose, into...

Tapping on Back To School Anxiety
Going back to school can be an exciting time. It can also be stressful, and full of anxiety - not just for the kids, but for the parents...

Tapping for Better Sleep
Do you struggle with getting a good night's sleep? Maybe you wrestle with you thoughts and find it difficult to easily drift off to...

Stress & The Brain - Let's Talk Science
Let's be real - stress and anxiety make you feel like shit. At times I've felt as if I was in a tornado of negative thoughts that I...

How Much Worry Is Too Much?
Worries, doubts, and anxieties are a normal part of life. It’s natural to worry about bills, work, kids, or an upcoming event. But, how...

Tapping for Pain Relief
Do you suffer from physical pain? Whether you're experiencing chronic pain, or regular aches and pain, EFT can help. Often times physical...

Feeling Stuck? Let's Tap It Out
“When we feel stuck, going nowhere — even starting to slip backward — we may actually be backing up to get a running start.” — Dan...

EFT for Self-Care & Self-Love
It can be all too easy to put yourself and your needs at the bottom of the priority list. But, if you want to give the best of yourself...

Tapping Into the Future
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that the best is yet to come. That's not to say we ignore the present, but instead we acknowledge...

Release Resentment & Feel Free
The purpose of releasing resentment is to increase your energy, and ultimately feel better! When you are able to acknowledge the...
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