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The Importance of Checking In With Yourself
It's so important to carve out time each and every day to ask yourself how you are doing. It's a time to reflect and assess your physical...

Overthinking: Are you trapped by your own thoughts?
This one's for all the over thinkers out there. Who else battles with their inner monologue? Worries about what you did, about what you...

EFT For When You Don't Feel Good Enough
"Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was." We all can feel not good enough or inadequate at...

EFT/ Tapping for Your Inner Child
Have you heard people talk about connecting with their “inner child?” It’s an important and impactful step in the healing journey....

The Power of Intuition: How to Connect with Your True Self
"Intuition is the whisper of the soul." You know the feeling. It's a 'knowing', knowing that you are on the right track or knowing that...

Pain Relief Without Drugs
As we move into the New Year, there is no time like the present to let go of the thoughts, feelings and emotions that aren't serving you....

Calming The Nervous System
When the nervous system is in a heightened state of awareness for a prolonged period of time, you can begin to experience both physical...

Let Go of Christmas Chaos!
It has been a week of Christmas chaos over here. Can you relate? I know that most of you can! Isn't it just way too easy getting caught...

Tapping for Patience
Patience. Patience. Patience. The practice of patience is a lesson that I think is one of the most important things I'm meant to learn in...

It's OK To Be Sad
EFT is all about finding freedom from your emotions. The way that we do that is by allowing ourselves to actually sit in those emotions....
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