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Tap Into Creating More Space (Physically, Mentally & Emotionally!)
"Peace is always right there. You have to create space for it!" I like to think of tapping as a beautiful way of creating internal space....

Tap Into Being 1% Better Than Yesterday
"If you can get 1% better each day for one year, you'll end up 37 times better by the time you're done." - James Clear Small changes...

EFT Tapping to Feel Well Rested
"Rest isn't a reward for work; it's part of the work." We all deserve to rest! Society puts so much pressure on us to power through or...

EFT Tapping to Release Self Judgement
We can be so incredibly hard on ourselves. We can beat ourselves up, think negative thoughts, allow self doubt to snowball, and be...

Tap Into Being A Woman of Your Word
Happy New Year!! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and found time for some relaxation. As we kick off the New Year, I know many of...
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