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Tapping to Celebrate Our Wins This Year
As 2023 comes to a close, it's a great time to reflect. Questions to consider: - Where did I succeed? - What did I enjoy the most? - What...

Tap Away Holiday Stress
December is just a few short days away! Is it me, or does it always seems to feel like this time of year moves at lightening speed? The...

Tapping for Acceptance
In life we are all bound to go through experiences that are difficult to accept. The inability to accept the situation, and the emotions...

Reduce Holiday Stress In 3 Minutes
During the Mayan Nawal reading I received from a Shaman while visiting Guatemala, I listened to her describe all of the different symbols...

Tapping Into Gratitude for the Little Things
Life is busy, and it can be all too easy to get swept up into the chaos of our thoughts. This morning I woke up feeling overwhelmed as I...
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