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Tips to Overcome Self Doubt
The thought of public speaking used to make me weak in the knees. There was a time when I didn't think it would ever be something I...

Is your money mindset stopping you?
Is your money mindset stopping you? Here are a few journaling prompts to ponder... - Describe your relationship with money in five words...

Tapping On Knee Jerk Reactions
No more knee-jerk reactions, okay? They aren't serving you. Whether it's constantly changing up what you're doing in your business, or...

Tapping Into Intuition
"Intuition is the whisper of the soul." Everyone has intuition, or a wise inner guidance system. And tapping can help you develop and...

Tapping for Voicing Your Opinion
Deb shared with me that she didn’t feel safe voicing her opinion. She identified as being shy for the majority of her life. As we started...
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