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EFT/ Tapping For Grieving The Loss of A Pet
Last week we lost our beloved boy, Baxter. Baxter was our 14 year old puggle. He was my first baby, and was with us through so much - 5...

EFT For Physical Pain
Chronic Pain If you are someone who is experiencing pain in any shape and for any reason - it is important to examine the emotions and...

Powerful Affirmations For the Win!
Some days we all need a reminder of how AWESOME we are. We need to remind ourselves of our inner beauty. We need to make in crystal clear...

Have A Case of the Blahs?
Not all days can be good ones. The tough days, the sad days, the hard days - those are the ones that make the great days magical. "For...

Setting & Keeping Healthy Boundaries
Does guilt stop you from keeping the boundaries that you set? Sometimes prioritizing your own needs over someone else’s needs can feel...
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