Most people manage some level of anxiety from time to time.
Sometimes, anxiety can become debilitating and negatively impact your life both personally and professionally.
If you are like most of my clients, you can relate to feeling:
Paralyzed by fear and unable to make decisions
Worried that whatever decision you make won't be “good enough”
Frustrated that your anxiety is dictating your life
Physically exhausted/ battling chronic pain because your nervous system does not remember what feeling calm is like
You may also be dealing with insomnia, negative self-talk, fear of judgment (from friends, family or colleagues), and just a constant feeling of being overwhelmed, wondering if this is how it is always going to be.
You are not alone AND this is not your fault.
The world is a chaotic place, and the past few years have been particularly challenging.
Most of us were simply never taught anxiety management tools and techniques.
We weren’t taught how to truly listen to our bodies.
We weren’t taught that our emotions are our body's way of communicating with us, and that we have an incredible amount of innate wisdom, if we simply learn how to decipher it’s messages.
The good news is, finding freedom from your emotions, fears, anxiety and the constant swirling thoughts is absolutely possible!
By exploring the relationship with our thoughts, emotions and behaviors while simultaneously tapping into your meridian system a new found awareness is created.
When you begin to see things differently, you think differently, and when you think differently, you behave differently, and when you behave differently, taking new actions, you FEEL differently and best of all, you experience better and better results.
Feel more in control, feel free, feel alive!
You were never meant to live in the grips of anxiety, stress and chronic pain.
You were meant to use these challenges as a catalyst for waking up to what’s possible for you.
It is my belief that we are here on this earth to feel good, to learn, to grow, and to evolve into the best version of ourselves that’s humanly possible.
That means that we have to do inner work.
Sometimes that work can feel overwhelming, or even a little scary, but it is without a doubt 100% worth the effort.
You don’t have dreams only to ignore them!
You have dreams to wake you up and inspire you to move forward boldly and fearlessly.
And who doesn’t want that!?
With the right support, you can transform anxiety, stress and chronic pain.
Hi, I'm Lauren! I help women who are suffering from stress,
anxiety, & chronic pain. My clients are ambitious, self driven,
and often entrepreneurs or small business owners who are
really overwhelmed and want to find inner peace.
I guide my clients through an experience that teaches them
how to tap into their innate wisdom and inner healer so that
they can find balance and a sense of ease both professionally
and personally.
I believe all of the answers lie within. But sometimes you need a
little help accessing them. By combining coaching and energy
healing modalities like EFT, Reiki, Sound Healing and Meditation,
we work together to release fears, and address past and present
trauma that is contributing to the physical or emotional pain and
anxiety in the body. Through a process of acknowledging and
holding space for your emotions, you are then able to find
freedom from them.

“Our life is what our thoughts make it”